BBBS of Greater Lafayette

UI Design - 2020

Web Designer
Team Lead

Adobe XD

final document

about this project

This site redesign was completed as part of a larger brand awareness campaign for COM 353 - Problems in Public Relations at Purdue University to assist Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Lafayette. The purpose of the site redesign was to attract more Bigs through SEO and solidify their brand image. The intentions of this redesign focused on recruiting more Big volunteers for the organization through bold fonts, colors, and strong language. A large portion of the redesign centered around new navigation and language development to emphasize the importance of a Big/Little pairing for BBBS.

I approached this project by first conducting market research in other BBBS organizations and analyzing what made successful chapters. My team and I wanted to emphasize the importance of having consistent branding as their site and socials didn’t match the larger organization’s identity. I built the mockup in Adobe XD and presented the results through screenshots as well as a live example.

project results

This site redesign was completed in two weeks with additional time accounted for prior research completed by myself and team members. In comparison to the current site design, the results of this redesign align with the larger organization’s branding, which was the goal. Since the organization has limited resources, the development will be put off until a later semester.

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