Calaveras State Park

Web Development - 2019

Web Developer
Web Designer
Team Lead


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Prior to starting this course project, I created a mockup during the planning phase. My team and I discussed requirements and desires for the site before agreeing upon the wireframe and mockups.

about this project

This project was created as a course assignment in CGT 353 - Principles of Interactive Media in which we had to build an interactive and dynamic site of our choice within a team. My team and I chose to recreate a California state park with a newer, modern design. As state and national parks in the United States have a simplistic, consistent appearance across all parks, we wanted to create a more specialized experience to attract visitors. We wanted to provide a unique experience to visitors where they could observe photos of their destination as well as factual information.

This project was created using HTML, CSS, and jQuery. My teammates conducted research on the content of the site and established the web copy. I collaborated with them on the design of the site and took up most of the development work. We tested the site and received feedback from users within our class and updated some spacing to accommodate for multiple screens per their responses.

project results

This project from conception to completion took a little less than a month to complete. This site met all evaluation criteria in fields relating to 508 compliance, aesthetics, and development; therefore, we received a high grade. In the future, I believe this site could easily be turned into a public template that can expand to fit others’ needs.

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