Chevrolet Corvette Encyclopedia

Web Development - 2019

Web Developer
Web Designer

Adobe Illustrator

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This wireframe helped me visualize how aspects of my site needed to change amongst desktop and mobile versions. With consideration on how a user will interact with the information, I wanted the user interface design to remain simplistic and focus on the model information.

about this project

This project was created as a course assignment in CGT 353 - Principles in Interactive Media in which we had to build an interactive and dynamic site of our choice. As a budding car enthusiast, I was inspired to create a site that balanced design and technical information without being too overwhelming. My overall objective was to create a different take on traditional wiki sites. When researching the different generations of Corvettes, it was overwhelming how much text was presented. Often images were very small and the sites appeared dull and out of date. Therefore, I wanted to have a more modern appearance.

As part of the assignment, we were required to utilizing HTML, CSS, and jQuery to build the sites. This site was built custom utilizing front end languages.

project results

From design to development, this site took a little less than a month to complete. This site met all evaluation criteria in fields relating to 508 compliancy, aesthetics, and development; therefore, I received a high grade for my achievements. Later on, I would like to create a more interactive and scalable site utilizing React and APIs.

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