Tesla Pitch Strategy

Writing - 2020

Document Designer
Strategic Analyst

Adobe InDesign

live document

about this project

This pitch strategy was created for COM 257 - Public Relations Techniques at Purdue University as coursework to immerse ourselves into a company’s messaging strategies. This strategy required research into Tesla’s brand, voice, and competitors to propose four strategies for implementation in 2021. The campaign strategies had four main objectives, to generate buzz, generate sales, attract new audiences, and propose media outlets.

I first began researching messaging strategies Tesla currently utilized and recognized what made the company different. I wrote out all of the content in a document then created a stylized document that aligned more closely with Tesla’s brand in Adobe InDesign.

project results

This pitch strategy document was completed in a month encompassing both research and overall document design. The final deliverable adheres to Tesla’s current branding and is up to date with new product releases. My professor was very impressed with the effort and content of my pitch strategy and gave me a grade that reflected my work.

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