Car Compare

Web Development - 2021

Web Designer
Web Developer

Adobe XD
Edmunds API

Before developing, every project consists of preliminary steps. Wireframes are foundational in my planning stage to understand user interactions and page requirements to ensure I develop a functional application.

about this project

As a budding car enthusiast, I was driven to create a web application that makes it easier for individuals to compare cars. At the moment, this application is a work in progress. I have created wireframes and functional requirements, but haven't started development. However, this site will allow a user to add up to four cars in a "garage" in which they can explore different specifications of each vehicle.

To create the dynamic web application, I will use Edmunds API and React. The API will be used to display various descriptors of each vehicle, such as, make, model, fuel type, and reviews. The application will have a clean, simplistic appearance to emphasize the information associated with each vehicle.

project results

This project is currently in the planning phase. The next stage will lay out components and begin development. I hope to develop and deploy the application on Netlify by March 2021.

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