Lamb School Co-curricular Engagement

Web Design/Dev - 2021

Web Developer
Web Designer

Adobe Illustrator

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about this project

The Brian Lamb School of Communication needed a site to display the different resources and opportunities for co-curricular engagement. With a greater push to involve students in experiential learning, programs, and student organizations, the school needed a site that easily explained all of these differing opportunities.

I developed the home page and PRSSA pages of the site. The department wanted to utilize Squarespace to easily update pages. Currently, I help maintain and manage the site, but in the future, they may not have a developer to handle more complex coding situations; therefore, the site required more simplistic functionalities.

project results

This project was completed in a week in an attempt to market and advertise these opportunities quickly. I continue to maintain the site as needed, but the site has increased visibility for co-curricular engagement initiatives within the Brian Lamb School of Communication.

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