HANK Development

Web Development - 2020

Web Developer
Art Direction

Github Pages

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Every development project begins with a wireframe sketch. This project I was in charge of designing and developing the site utilizing branding standards a teammate defined.

about this project

This site was created for my senior capstone class to advertise the services of the development company myself and three other women started. The goal of this site was to enhance our credibility for clients, demonstrate our services, and show our expertise. We wanted to create a site that was simple and demonstrates our values as women in development. We also wanted to depict our diverse interests in terms of the projects and services we can offer. The end goal of this site was to present our professionalism and examples of work to clients.

This site was developed using Gatsby.JS, Styled Components, and hosted with Github Pages since we wanted a system that we're able to collaborate in easily.

project results

This project was completed very quickly and took about a week to implement. Currently, this site is being continually updated throughout the semester as I and my team see fit. With little to no marketing, the site has roughly 300 unique visitors a month.

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